
Tales of arise commodity items
Tales of arise commodity items

tales of arise commodity items

It was a very constructive session and it transacted its business in a smooth and positive manner.


The discussions of the session were cordial and retnarkably free of polemics and procedural disputes, particularly bearing in mind some of the very delicate policy matters under discussion. In fact, I believe that a number of delegates who attended the meeting said that the meeting perhaps in some Ways should serve as a model for our business here. Their excellent documents and preparations enabled the Committee to reach its conclusions in a serious, business-like way. Dutia and his staff were most helpful to me and to the CCP itself. I would be rertliss if I were not also to note the extremely effective work of the Secretariat itself. The excellent work performed by the Drafting Committee helped immensely in the final adoption of the report by the Committee. The Committee also elected the Drafting Committee which met under the chairmanship of Mr. Humberto Carrion of Nicaragua as Vice-Chairmen. The Committee elected myself as chairman and Mr. In addition the Holy See and 11 international organizations participated as observers. The meeting was attended by representatives of 65 governments. I have the honour to present to the members of the Council the Report of the Fifty-sixth Session of the Committee on Commodity Problems which was held from 7 to 13 October of this year. Daniel WEYGANDT (Chairman, Committee on Commodity Problems): I see that you are trying to make up some of the time we lost this morning, so I shall try to be brief myself in introducing document CL 92/6. Informe del 56° periodo de sesiones del Comité de Problemas de Productos Básicos (Roma, 7-13 de octubre de 1987)Ī. Rapport de la cinquante-sixième session du Comité des produits (Rome, 7-13 octobre 1987)Ĥ.

tales of arise commodity items

Report of the Fifty-sixth Session of the Committe on Commodity Problems (Rome, 7-13 October 1987)Ĥ. ACTIVIDADES DE LA FAO Y EL P MA (continuación) 4.

Tales of arise commodity items